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Sudden foot injury

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Jun 28, 2009.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    I was playing baseball with my kids and while running i felt a "pop" in the arch area of my left foot. The pain is constant when any weight is applied. There is swelling and "black and blue area" on the inside bottom area of the foot. pain seems to be limited to the inside arch area and can be felt when extending my toes or applying pressure to heal as well. Plan on visiting doc tomorrow, just looking for insight.
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    I don't really see what might be of value in guesses and suppositions when you are going to have an actual examination tomorrow. Wait and see if you receive a diagnosis and either get one from your doctor or have your doc clearly acknowledge to you that he/she does not have a clear diagnosis. Report exactly what you have been told here, including the treatment offered, its rationale as explained to you by your doctor and the prognosis and anticipated time frame for results if you would like further discussion regarding the diagnosis, the treatment offered and possible alternatives. But you will have to offer medical grade information. The clarity of the information you can expect back will be dependent on the specificity of it which you offer.

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