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I think I am getting a corn, help

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by shoutcrystal, Feb 26, 2009.

  1. shoutcrystal

    shoutcrystal New Member

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    I wore a pair of shoes that were too small. It appears that a corn is arising on my right small toe. It hurts too. I try to massage it. I also tried to saw it saw it away with a utensil I use for bottom of my sking for dead skin. I never had corns. I can see a small white circle and feel it trying to come. What can I do to prevent this? Or, is the damage done? Can I get something form a drug store to put on this? It is very uncomfortable. Thanks
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    None of your questions can be responsibly answered without first being certain as to the identity of that of which you are complaining. What you THINK it might be is an insufficient basis for making any treatment recommendation. See a podiatrist for a diagnosis and I will be happy to discuss generally available treatments and prognoses for such a condition as has been diagnosed.

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