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scarf bunionectomy and still nwb wondering who else had this and when do you get walking boot?

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by shyshell, Jan 6, 2011.

  1. shyshell

    shyshell New Member

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    I had a scarf bunionectomy and still nwb wondering who else had this and when do you get walking boot? I know my friend had same procedure and sent out with a walking boot why are Dr. different?

    when I accidentally step flat footed my foot feels weird, I can't say numb,crumbly not sure how to describe it.

    tomorrow is my appt and I hope I get a walking boot....had this done with two screws in my big toe on Dec 1.
  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I had my surgery in November and was discharged with walking boots. I actually walked from the car to my house after the operation - albeit very slowly!

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