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Discussion in 'Introductions' started by KB48, Apr 22, 2010.

  1. KB48

    KB48 New Member

    Hello i was born with clubfeet in 1964 cast surgiries both feet pins in right foot ive done well for years dealing with the pain and stiffness in right foot i was able to play sports as a child thank you to all the drs that made that possible. Ive worked consrtuction for years. About 2 years ago i started geting pain and stiffness in left foot too. Then in december of 2008 i woke up left foot swollen and severe pain. With many test and several drs we found out it was osteonecrosis with a collapsed talus an ankle fusion was recomemded by several drs.the osteo has started in right foot also i was perscibed a brace and lots of meds.and recomended to try the shoe shape ups due to the lack of movement in my ankles these seem to help some i also use a cane to help and limit my time on my feet. The dr said if i haddent worked costruction all that time my feet may have held another 10 years. So if you are dealing with club feet take extra care of your feet and wear good shoes always. And try to gear your life toward an office job it may help you in the long run. Have a great day

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