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Treatment post op fifth metatarsal basis fracture plus tendon damage

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Jul 21, 2011.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Dear Foot experts,
    Four weeks ago I fractured my right fifth metatarsal by falling down the stairs rolling my foot over in a forward direction leading me to stand on the upper surface of my foot instead of the lower sole. This resulted in the base of my fifth metatarsal being broken off and displaced, it moved about 2 inches to the left and settled on the top of my foot.
    Immediately after the x rays i was informed that I needed surgery to correct this, my hospital is one of the best in the area for sports medicine. The surgery was uneventful and I was released from hospital after five days with a lower leg cast with walking shoe to partial weight bear up to 15 kg (basically the weight of one of my legs alone). This phase was fine the bruising eventually decreased over the four weeks but the swelling remained.

    For my four week follow up, my lower cast was removed and it was then upon examination that it was discovered I had damaged my ankle tendons (the ones on the outer side of my ankle and the front of my ankle too). Before this was discovered the doc said he would out me in a walking shoe after he saw the ankle damage he switched to an ankle brace. Does anyone know why the rapid change in treatment? Must be a reason for it, now I am immediately put in intensive physio with lymph drainage treatment for the swelling. However, the ankle cast, when I try to walk, presses directly on the head of the screw they inserted because it is not countersunk, This is so painful I want to vomit when I walk! What should I do? I think they know what they are doing and the ankle brace would be the best option for treatment but it gives me a lot of pain.
    I think I will ring my specialist today because I would rather remove this ankle brace. Does anyone have any experience with this injury and treatment?
    Best wishes and get week soon everyone.

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