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Jones fracture after healing? What should I expect?

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by muifalusi, Nov 21, 2009.

  1. muifalusi

    muifalusi Guest

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    well i had a jones fracture in the beginning of sept. and just went into the doc's office for an x-ray (end of october). he said that it looks like it has healed, but to stay off it for 3 weeks, and only start putting pressure 2 weeks before I go in to see him again (i see him on nov 26). However, I'm kind of scared, i started putting pressure just this saturday, and when i was walking up some stairs, i heard something snap in my foot. about an hour after this happened, my foot started hurting (only slightly though) when I walked on it and pushed off the stride with my toes. It didn't hurt if i walked with my foot flat on the ground, heel first and lifting off the ground all at once. Regardless, there was no swelling (like there was when i first broke it, and it was in excruciating pain whenever i touched it) and by time monday came around, I felt virtually nothing when i put pressure on my foot. Now whenever i try it out, my foot has no pain when i put any sort of pressure on it, but i just feel as if the bone i fractured (in the outside bone) is loose now. Did i break it again when i was walking up the stairs? If so, how badly did i do it if there's no pain 3 days after this happened, and no swelling at all (even when i did this) should i just keep off it and not put any pressure on it until I see my doctor again? If i didn't break it again, what did I really do when I was walking up the stairs?
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    I will assume that you are not in the U.S. ONLY because Nov. 26, the date you specify for you next appointment, is Thanksgiving in the States, and I hardly think a doctor here has scheduled routine patients on that day.. So, if I am correct . . what goes with the medical delivery system in so many other countries where patients seem to have a lack of expectations regarding the responsibilities of doctors to and their concerns for their patients? If one of MY patients who was currently under MY care had experienced what you have and had the concerns you do, that patient would KNOW that I am the one to be contacted . . and not a week after the event. The thought that you could ask "Did I break it again when i was walking up the stairs? If so, how badly did i do it?" to someone on the Internet in lieu of asking your own doctor is appalling. The fact that you might be satisfied with that person's response is just short of insane. Call your own doctor NOW and let him/her decide.

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