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crow boot

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by mimiraper, Sep 10, 2011.

  1. mimiraper

    mimiraper New Member

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    I have just been fitted for a crow boot because of charcot foot on my right foot with a callous that is painful on the bottom of the foot. Until recently special orthotics have handled the callous, at least the pain, but now I need the boot because it's too painful to walk without it. The good news is that with the boot the pain is gone. The bad news is that I find it very difficult to walk with the boot on. I'm wondering if anyone has any helpful advice about how to adapt to wearing the boot. The technician suggested I wear it for an hour each day and gradually adapt to walking and working with the crow boot on. Does it ever get easier? What do you do about driving a car?....wear regular shoes while driving and then put the boot on when not in the car? I have many questions and no one has answers. The podiatrist was not helpful in details and the technician helped me practice walking, but I need more than that. Are there support groups around for people with charcot feet and who wear the boot?

    I live near San Antonio, Texas and read in one of these forums that a specialist is in San Antonio. Anyone have any experience with Thomas Zjonies there? Thank you.
  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Hello sorry for the unconvinced your having with your CROW boot. Without a proper evaluation it’s kind of vague to what I can suggest. Basic don/doff for the boot would be first *follow your doctor’s orders regarding the boot*. Boot may be taken off for driving “rather be safe than sorry” for any long stands/walks boot needs to be worn. The vanity on the boot isn’t that great with the looks but remember it’s there to help. And for the non affected side foot try and wear a higher sole shoe to semi-match the foot that has the CROW boot to have your hips align, this should make your walking a lot easier. The boot needs to be worn snug , not to lose or too tight. The pink liner pad will eventfully get stinky/dirty and a wet wipe can clean the boot easily also after 6months the pad would properly need to be replaced which would be a good time to go back to the facility that provided the boot keeping in mind there should be follow ups too from initial day you received the boot (1-2wks, 1month, and so on). Just to make sure the boot is fitting properly. Hopefully by now you got accustom to it, but you have any other questions feel free to ask.

    Sincerely ,
    Gonzalez, Yahve BOCO
  3. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I hope that I can be helpful to you. My son has Charcot (his right foot a little in left foot). He has to wear his Crow boot on right foot all the time to walk, he is not able to drive at all. He has went to therapy to help him. It does get easier as time goes on. You need to find the right doctor to help you better, that's what we had to do. I hope this helps a little.
  4. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Crow boots cause a significant leg length discrepancy that all too often goes unrecognized. A shoe build up or an Evenup shoelift really helps.
  5. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    My Dr is fitting both of my feet with CROW boots due to Charcot foot with rocker bottoms on both feet. I have had numerous total contact casts put on the left foot due to infected ulcers and the right foot is difficult to balance myself since it looks and feels like I am walking on softballs. I am currently in a wheelchair to keep the weight off my feet until they fit me with my interim footcare (the CROW boot) and I have a lot of questions. In order to do my job I must be able to climb a ladder. Will I still be able to do this? How long do I need to be in the CROW boot before I transition to other footware? Any info you can give me will help.

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