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Pain 20 days post phenolisation

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Both big toenails removed 20 days ago and recovery took Paracetamol for pain initially. My podiatrist has seen me every few days for dressings. He says everything is healing well. I have faith and confidence in him. I would have asked him this question but I last saw him yesterday and this only happened today. I had quite sudden severe burning pain in both toes, round the nail bed area, literally felt as though my toes would explode and nothing eased the pain. Is it possible that there is still activity from the phenol. Is this normal. It is easing now but for a good few hours it was excruciating. There is no sign of infection, no pus or smell.

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