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Corn on Pinky Toe?

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by dawnshine99, Aug 28, 2010.

  1. dawnshine99

    dawnshine99 Guest

    I recently started working on my feet again after 2 years of not having to. My little toe on my left foot turns way out, so when I walk my other toe puts pressure on it. I have always had a callus there, but it has developed into a very painful (9 out of 10 sometimes) corn beneath. I have tried pads and even 21% salicylic acid applications, and some of the dead skin comes off, but the whole core does not come out. I have had corns before on the bottom of my feet that were easy to treat with pads, but this one is so tough, and I have to work, and I can't relieve the pressure because my toes are just that way. My mother's feet are exactly the same. I really can't afford to go to the doctor and I don't have insurance. Any suggestions? Thanks!
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2010

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