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Pain and hardness in skin adjacent to right side of left big toe nail

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Mar 31, 2010.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    About a week ago, I started experiencing redness and pain in the skin to the right of my left big toe nail. It was painful enough that I could not wear closed toe shoes. I treated the area with epsom salt baths and neosporin. Most of the pain and redness subsided, but I am still not able to wear close toed shoes.
    As of tonight, the pain has increased, and there is white hard skin forming at the corner of the toe nail. My toe nail is not ingrown, nor is it growing into the skin. Any pressure applied to this area of very painful.
    At this point in time, it does not look like a cyst. I repeat, the toenail is in no way ingrown.
    What do you think the problem is? How might I treat it?
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    The problem is that you don't have a diagnosis and therefore the second part of your question is irrelevant. Diagnosis, as well as appropriate treatment, could likely be easily supplied by any podiatrist after a quick look-see. Why you would consider soliciting guesses on which a guess of treatment might then be offered is beyond me. Why would you be willing to submit your body to that sort of nonsense to save the cost of seeing a doctor, especially when such nonsense might buy you even greater problems and even greater costs. Medical forums are NOT for that purpose and you can take THIS answer to the bank.
  3. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Thanks you for your candid reply.
  4. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    Thank YOU for having the good sense to understand that a reply that was likely not what you had anticipated was really in your best interests. Too many posters here have unreasonable expectations as to what might be garnered in a forum venue and respond abusively when their misguided expectations are not satisfied in the manner in which they presupposed. My goal here is to offer responsible commentary and not necessarily to make folks happy with me or themselves.
  5. Nun ya

    Nun ya Guest

    "Welcome! Join the forum where you can ask about foot problems and get help"... lmao What a joke. Someone asks and then gets bashed about not going to the foot care doc. Oh that's rich!

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