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HELP! I think my daughters club foot is back

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by DChaney, Jan 3, 2012.

  1. DChaney

    DChaney Guest

    While I was pregnant I found out in an ultrasound that my daughter was going to be born with one club foot. She was casted until almost a year then I finally got sent to a spealist in Loma Linda. She did end up having two different procceders done, first they did a minor cut behind her heel to see if possibly that would do the job and she was in her brace right after. Unfortunitly that did not work and we were forced to go through with surgery. The doctor informed me that after reataching her tendents that she'd be fine. And never advised me to keep her in her brace (even though she was barely learning to walk. Since then we have had a fallow-up and the doctor was unsure what to say because me daughter has since then formed a high anxiety when it comes to doctors, so he could not get a full look. I'm not quite sure if her foot should be turning back inward but I have noticed she walks with her foot inward. Will it look close to normal once her bone develops or is this something that is going to be an on going thing? Weve gone through so much already and we need answers!!

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