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sounds like gout? at 28?

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, May 26, 2013.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    im 28 female ive had my 5th metitarsel broken in my right foot. a lot of symtoms are like gout i have very sharp dreadful pains in only my right foot, my foot used to swell when they hurt nut not much anymore but im very over protective of it now because even just the slightest bump or touch sets me on and im screaming what in the heck is wrong with my foot?
  2. Dr Abdul Qadir

    Dr Abdul Qadir New Member

    Well, your question is a bit unclear. Are you saying that you have a broken 5th metatarsal, and since then the type of pain that you are experiencing, feels like gout to you?????

    Clarify your symptoms a bit more and also what sort of fractire have you got in 5th metatarsal. Is it fracture of the base (avulsion type), Jones fracture, or shaft fracture. Also tell how did the fracture occur. Did you have any prior problem in this foot. Please give a detailed history if you want a proper answer
  3. robertharris750

    robertharris750 New Member

    It must be due to injury. You should always wear comfortable shoes, use orhtotic devices. Gout occurs due to over saturation/ intake of uric acid. You should take Ibuprofen for pain relief also Go for an X-ray and contact your doctor/podiatrist before it gets more complicated.

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