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Big toe fusion

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by tejas214, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. tejas214

    tejas214 New Member

    I am a 39 yo female with osteoarthritis in my big toes as well as hands.
    Now my questions is regarding my toes. I had a cheilectomy done on both toes last year one in September and the other in November. The pain in both toes has returned about 2 1/2 months ago. Since then I have seen an orthopedic surgeon and he has given me cortisone shots and has helped tremendously. I am due to return to the Dr but, was told that cortisone only speeds up the arthritis and has advised fusion as the next step. My concern is that I am only 39 and used to live a failry active lifestyle (running and dancing). Will I be able to do that after toe fusion? He says he will be able to angle it for me to be able to where somewhat of a heel. Is this true? Also, are there any other alternatives to toe fusion?:eek:

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