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Fractured great toe(distal phalanx)

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by rickyloo, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. rickyloo

    rickyloo New Member

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    Hi, i have a distal phalanx fracture in my great toe. Was put into a half cast for one week and the ortho doc says i can walk without immobilization already? It has been 3 weeks since the accident and now i can walk without pain at all.

    But my concern is when i bend my great toe to a certain extent, it kinda hurts. And when i press on my great toe, i can actually feel my distal phalanx ‘moving’ or ‘grinding’ against each other. Is that how a non union feels like?

    Today marks the last day of 3 weeks. Tomorrow will be the starting of the 4th week. The ortho doc had scheduled another x ray appointment on the 6th week.

    So should i be worried now and go for an early x ray appointment or should i wait for the 6th week mark? And is the pain when bending too much of the toe and the feeling of the fractured bone ‘grinding’ or ‘moving’ against each other normal?

    Hope to get a reply real soon Mr footdoc, millions of thanks in advance.
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    If you have concerns, the person to whom you should be relating them is your doctor who can examine you and take x-rays if deemed appropriate. It is not otherwise possible for me to interpret your statements and draw conclusion on which I might offer you advice on which you can rely.
  3. rickyloo

    rickyloo New Member

    No, all i want is to ask someone who has expertise on related matters to give me some professional insight on this particular problem.

    All I am asking is if the things that i am feeling now(able to feel the bones grinding/moving/cracking against each other) when i press on my great toe demands a need for concern or it should be this way and there is nothing i can do about it but to wait it out.

    That is all that i want and need to know. Hopefully someone who has expertise will be willing to give some advice and comments.

    A million thanks in advance.
  4. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I am NOT a doctor, but if it were me, I would go to the doctor to have things checked out. Grinding does NOT sound like something to ignore. If indeed there is a problem, continuing to walk on it may indeed result in additional problems.

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