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toenail falling off.. kinda

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Apr 13, 2009.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I was running around a few weeks ago and obviously my shoes were not suitable for my feet and both of my big toes began to bleed underneath.

    one of my toes still has what im assuming is dried blood. On the other toe it started to turn greenish and began to smell pretty bad. It was lifting quite a bit already so i tried to pull it off a little but its still attached by a 1-2mm of skin. I dont want to pull it off because it will hurt and will bleed. I cut off the part of the nail that i could manage and see that underneath there is what kind of looks like a 'bubble' or a raised piece of skin about the size of half an M&M. I dont know if that is just the nail attempting to grow back or if its an infection.

    Any ideas or suggestions please ???

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