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Burning on the bottom of my feet

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, May 20, 2009.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    I purchased a pair of basic Asics after the birth of my son in the fall. I wore those shoes to get back into shape. A couple weeks ago, the bottoms of feet started to burn when I ran. So I thought it was because I had cashed those shoes and needed a new pair. I went to the running store and purchased pair of Asics 2140s. I have gone on 4 runs with these shoes (average 5-6 miles) and the burning sensation has not gone away. I have never worn the 2140. I usually wear the Kayano, but I didn't feel like spending the money. Is there something going on with my feet or am I just in the wrong pair of running shoes? I am wearing cotton socks, but that is what I have always worn and even running longer distances, I have never had a problem. I am getting concerned because I signed up for a marathon and I am about to begin my training program in a couple weeks.
    I am a 33 yr old female. I weigh 130lbs and I am 5'5" tall. I live in the upper Midwest.
    Also, the burning is only when I run.
    Thank you!
  2. kemalony

    kemalony New Member

    Have you tried hairless 100% Cotton lisle Socks ? coz you feet must be able to breath ?
    fine cotton lisle socks may help you coz my friend used to have that problem too he is 32 years old. Also those problem sign of Diabetic have you checked your blood sugar level ?

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