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Flat feet + previously sprained ankle = PAIN!

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by tamwoo, Aug 23, 2009.

  1. tamwoo

    tamwoo New Member

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    So i have majorly flat feet. In addition I have a bone where my arch is! I think maybe its the navicular bone?

    My flat feet never really caused me much trouble except for shin splints, but that was corrected with motion control shoes and insoles.

    Well about 3-4 years ago i sprained my left ankle pretty badly. I was impatient and started walking on it before it healed all the way. Now when Im on my feet a lot (standing, walking, exercising), afterward my left arch (bone) hurts when i put any kind of pressure on it. Sometimes its so bad i have to hobble around or walk on it using the outer side of my left foot. The bone on my left arch sticks further out than the bone on my right arch also. So i think it gets inflamed b/c its usually warm to the touch when it hurts.

    I dont really know what to do. I saw a podiatrist about it, got x-rays taken, and he said nothing was wrong. :confused:

    Maybe i need a 2nd opinion?

    If anyone has experienced this or has any advice/insight to give i would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    It should be quite obvious that if you have pain that something IS wrong, so, if you saw a podiatrist with the complaints that you have offered here and were simply dismissed with, "There's nothing wrong," I WOULD think that a second opinion is in order.

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