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A year after foot surgery to correct talus fracture.

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered-nyc, May 21, 2012.

  1. I had foot surgery about a year ago, I have to insision scars on both sides of my left foot.
    There three screws that now hold my talus in place.
    I've been almost back to my normal life, I can walk and am not limping.
    Yet I do feel lots of pain when rotating my foot from side to side.
    Also after sitting for a while or when I get up in the morning I usually tend to limp and there's pain as I begin to walk.
    When I go back for my visits my doctor tells me that my X-rays look great, theres never been a diagnos for my pain.
    I am 22 years old, I fear I will never run again and that this will only worsen as the years progress.
    Can someone please inform me of things I can do in order to get my foot as close to normal as possible?
    Thanks for reading

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