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Bruised feeling in both feet forever

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by darlingtallulah, Nov 19, 2010.

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    I am now 52, but have had pain in both feet since I was a teenager. When I played high school basketball, my coach had to wrap both feet tightly with tape because I would have severe cramping in my feet after running only a few minutes. Since my teens I would always stand on the lateral sides of my feet when standing only a few minutes because of the discomfort. I've only been to the Dr twice about this because I could never get a viable diagnosis and I gave up. I've been given orthotics twice which might have made it slightly better; I've done the stretches. I'm a nurse and HAVE to be on my feet at least 8 hours a day and after that I go home and pretty much sit the rest of the day. The entire bottom of both feet feel bruised constantly unless I'm sitting. My arches are low, but not completely flat yet, but that is only over the past few years. They were not always flat. My aunt always had painful feet also. Now ready to see a specialist, but don't know where to start...orthopod, neurologist, or someone I haven't thought of yet. I use an insole called 'Flat Foot'. which helps a little bit. Now am having pain on the sides and the top of my foot. Really getting frustrated and I HAVE to work! Any suggestion will be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. codfather

    codfather New Member

    you do well to do eight hours on your feet , 4 year ago i could do that now i manage minutes before i must get off my feet ! where do you start , very good question as i have spent thousands trying to sort the problem to no avail . stretchers shape ups do help a bit , the first port of call is an honest opinion from a well educated podiatrist with plenty of experience , even if you have too travel to see him ! second piece of advice i can give is concentrate on steering your future career to a desk job in your profession as this will get worse ! but chin up there are a few of us out here and soon one of us will find a remedy to the pain ! good luck.
  3. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I am 56 and have been dealing with the feeling of bruised feet for 21 years now. I have been to numerous podiatrist and have a bag full of different orthotics. Nothing seems to help. I stretch my feet/calfs daily, ice and use something called Volteren Gel (prescription only) which seems to work for an hour or so. Combined with Allev I can have a few hours of relief, but nothing long term.
    You might want to consider the possibility of this pain coming from your lower back. If you have had any lower back injuries you can have foot pain without the shooting pain down the back of your leg. I am now trying Neurontin which is for nerve damage. It seems to help a little as well. Every little bit of relief is good!
    I know how hard it is to live with chronic pain. I am ready to give up and accept the fact that this is just the way it is. I don't know how I am going to live with this pain that seems to be getting worse as I age, but I really don't have any other choice. Hope I helped. Good luck.
  4. NickNorth11

    NickNorth11 New Member

    I see this thread is kind of old, but I have the exact same issue.. I've had the problem for three years now and have pretty much given up hope of finding a viable solution. I've been to six doctors, including podiatrists, orthopaedic surgeons, and the University of Michigan pain center. No one has a clue what the problem is. Several docs have had theories, but none that are at all conclusive or backed by any evidence (every test showed my feet were perfectly normal). Ideas have included plantar fasciitis, not enough fat pad, too long foot bones, tendons being too tight, and more. So far, I've had/tried the following:

    X-rays (multiple)
    Blood tests looking for arthritis or rare conditions
    Physical therapy
    Deep tissue massage
    Plantar fasciitis foot splints
    Cortisone injections
    Anti-inflammatories (Naproxyn, Motrin)
    Custom orthotics (multiple)
    Different shoes (many)

    The anti-depressants helped me (to an extent), but the side effects I experienced from them were overwhelming. I recommend trying these, though. Maybe you'll have better luck with the side effects.

    Also, shoes make a big difference. I've had the best luck with running shoes (NOT walking shoes) with extremely soft rubber. I prefer Saucony Truimphs. My feet still kill me all day every day, but they would be worse with other shoes.

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