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Feels like ball of foot walking on flat pencil, then arch pain

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Lehigh98, May 16, 2009.

  1. Lehigh98

    Lehigh98 New Member

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    I'm a 33 year old male at 180 pounds. I was a distance runner all though high school and had some shin splints and knee problems occasionally but no foot problems I remember.

    I recently (7 weeks ago) started back up running again. I have been running an average of 5-6 miles, 3 times per week. Most recently on Thursday I ran some intervals at a faster pace than my normal distance speed.

    Today I was walking and my felt foot felt like the ball of my foot was on a pencil that was running longways down my foot in my shoe. It felt like that for most of the afternoon but only when I was walking and putting pressure on it. On the way to my car I stopped favoring it and put a little extra pressure on it to see what would happen. After a couple of steps, it felt like the pencil "popped" away but then I felt some pain in my arch. After a quick drive home the "pencil" was back when I got out of the car at home.

    Any idea what could be causing this? I would wait a few days before posting this to see if it would just go away if it wasn't so odd and unusual to me. Please let me know if you need any more info.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. Lehigh98

    Lehigh98 New Member

    Thanks for all the great advice! :rolleyes:

    Doctor appointment on Friday.
  3. Ladylynalm

    Ladylynalm Guest


    I am having this same issue. I know you posted this a long time ago but do you remember what the Dr. said?

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