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painful big toe

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by eskota, Jul 25, 2009.

  1. eskota

    eskota Guest

    My left big toe is hurting at the knuckle joint, and on its left side. I noticed this two days ago, and thought at first that I must have broken it, though I couldn't imagine how. The range of motion is very limited (maybe 1/2" up and down) and it hurts to walk if I put any pressure on it. Slightly swollen and reddish in the affected areas.

    I'm a male, 59 years old, southwest USA, not overweight, healthy in general.

    Any thoughts on what this might be/ what to do about it?. I soaked the foot in hot water last night, and have taken a few ibuprofen tablets today. Neither did much.


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