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Severe foot n leg pain

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by muhassan76, Nov 24, 2009.

  1. muhassan76

    muhassan76 New Member

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    i m having severe foot and leg pain for last one and a half years. It all started from foot pain at the botton , ankle anf at toes infact whole foot pain i under gone various blood test and X rays but all reports were clear then some given me advice to used in soles (arch support) . i dont have a flat foot or dont have arch problem however these insoles gave me some relief but after few weeks again my pain started increasing tehn every time i have to go to the person who gave me insoles he accordingly adjust those soles then few days they gae me relief but again the pain started the i have chaged many insoles but all in vain. now i am using silicon insoles which gave me some relief as they are better to use them rather without using any insole the pain gets very aggraveted. Now the pain has radiated up to my lower limps and i m feeling pain in my knees also. sone time the pain get very severe when i walk more then i have to take pain killer for relief. Well i am in severe pain right now in my foot and lower limbs up to my knees. Any one please help me coz i have visited many doctors but they always give me pain killers which i think is of no use. Plz help me or advice me wat to do
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    As I have and will continue to point out, this and forums such as this are not appropriate venues for making diagnoses, and treatment should always be based on at least a presumed diagnosis. I wish patients would learn that there are two essential services to be expected when seeing a doctor.
    1. Diagnosis
    2. Treatment recommendations and prognosis
    It is honestly senseless to come here with a statement of symptoms and the treatment attempts or advice offered by ones doctor(s) and not state what the diagnosis was and how the treatments were expected to address it. Anyone who pays a doctor for service and does come away with a clear knowledge of the two essential pieces of information mentioned above in exchange for that fee has only him/herself to blame. I know of no other service where so many people would willing put up with that sort of non-service and still pay for it. The success of a treatment cannot be guaranteed, but adherence to a standard of care and offering a patient clear information about the results of the examination and thoughts about and justification for treatment are to be expected.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2009

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