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Calcaneal Osteotomy

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Pookie Mac, Sep 19, 2011.

  1. Pookie Mac

    Pookie Mac Guest

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    Good Evening,

    Quick Background:
    I was hit by a car at the end of April and my right heel was crushed. My initial doctor had me right in a walking boot for almost 3 months with about 1.5 months of physical therapy. He swore up and down that my heel was healing correctly and I would not require surgery. After 15 weeks my fracture wasn't heeled and he didn't want to see me back for two months, even though I was still complaining of pain. Needless to say, I decided it was time for a second opinion and right when I went to the second doctor he took one look at my foot and knew I would need surgery. Xrays confirmed this.

    I am scheduled for surgery this coming Friday. As of now, it appears to be strictly a calcaneal osteotomy. Of course, if he sees anything else that needs to be repaired while I am under he will do so at that time.

    I am looking to see what some experiences have been with JUST a calcaneal osteotomy. I have only been able to find posts from people who had the osteotomy plus something else on top of it. Pain after surgery (though I know it varies), recovery time, was physical therapy required, etc? I started a new job 2 months ago under the impression I would not need surgery. Though my job is understanding, I want to try and return to work as soon as possible. My plan is to be out a week or so and then I will have someone driving me while I'm in a cast. My concern is that I won't be able to take painkillers at work.

    Any advice anyone can give or personal experiences would be appreciated.

  2. dobbo

    dobbo Guest

    you beat me to my calcaneal osteotomy by a couple of days, so I hope you are recovering well. Just wanted to share my thoughts so far...
    The operation was a doddle seeing as it was a general anaesthetic. I just woke up and it was done. No pain there and then, a cup of tea and two slices of toast and my lift came to collect me. 24 hours later I called the surgery as I was worried that there was no pain, although I could feel my heel in the cast. I was told that the painkillers should wear off in 24-48 hours. It is now 48 hours and still no pain. Am I going to be one of the lucky ones? I doubt it, but I'm not as pessimistic now as I was prior to the op.
    As regards mobility and keeping my foot off the floor, I've ditched the crutches. I can walk ok in them but can't do anything else (like the dishes) that takes both hands, so I fashioned a knee crutch out of wood and that is a miracle. I can walk about the house, do the decorating and wire that light in. It's a bit like the IWalk4free leg, only it cost me a fiver instead of 300 bucks from America.
    I note that you have similar timeframes for a return to work. The last op I had on my ankle put me in a cast and , as soon as I could bear weight I called the motor insurance company and asked what were the odds driving in a cast. They said that it depended on my GP. So when I went to see my GP and asked him if I was fit to drive, he said "I don't know, are you?" to which I answered "yes" and subesequently drove back to work. So there is hope for you.
    Anyway, best of luck

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