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2nd bunion surgery. Possible problems?

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by blue1monkey, May 18, 2011.

  1. blue1monkey

    blue1monkey New Member

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    Hello. I had my second bunion surgery April 15 on my right foot. First was June 4 last year with both feet at the same time. This time I had it fused. I cannot remember how my feet felt last year after surgery. I did them both at the same time but different procedures. My right foot big toe can barely feel anything when it gets touched by things(me doing it to test feeling). I am not sure if it is normal and I will regain feeling. Also my other four toes are resting up. They do not touch the ground if I put my foot on the ground. At first I thought it was swollen. But it hasn't changed for two weeks and I am still not putting any pressure on my foot. Are these things normal?
  2. blue1monkey

    blue1monkey New Member

    I have uploaded a photo of what I mean by my toes are pointed up.

    Attached Files:


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