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Sudden top of foot pain, hard to walk...

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    In the middle of the night I began feeling intense pain on the top of my left foot The pain is app 2 inches up from my little toes along the left/center of my foot. It hurts while resting and when I stand it hurts a little less on the top but radiates up my ankle. I have not attempted to put on shoes yet due to the pain & stiffness. I have not injured the foot and there is little swelling & no bumps or lesions. I stand a good part of the day at work, have fairly high arches (which have never caused any problems before) and have worn low heels for the last 10 years. Also, my right foot has been a little stiff and uncomfortable for the last few months, but nothing as painful as this sudden issue starting last night! I have not been to a podiatrist ever and , of course, it's the weekend now, and I'm hoping I will be able to get to work somehow! Any suggestions. I'm going to soak my foot now & hope it helps...

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