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Continued pain from tarsal coalition

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Feb 5, 2010.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    Mt 14 year old daughter has been in constant pain since Nov 2006, with tarsal coalition. She had a bilateral excision in Dec 2007, but the pain has never gone away, and is now at its worse ever. After much to-ing and fro-ing with various medical people, she now has the choice of having further surgery on both feet, possibly a fusion, but with only a 65% success rate, and 10% chance of pain getting worse. HELP, please, anyone?
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    I can understand your desperation, but I wish that you would understand that anyone qualified to offer an opinion on such as this would not do so without real knowledge of the case and generally only after a hands-on evaluation, and an opinion offered by anyone who WOULD give you an opinion without such basis would not be the sort of person, professional or otherwise whom you would probably do well to believe. Obtain multiple opinions from well-vetted experienced professionals whom you can trust through hands-on evaluations and then attempt to make the best decision for your daughter.
  3. First of all I agree that to make a professional opinion, one would have to examine your daughter. That being said, anyone that can give you those odds, should be questioned on how they were arrived at. Pain is either being caused by" continued coalition that was not resolved with the original surgery, arthritis changes from malalignment, either with the coalition or without from biomechanical issues that need to be addressed, or something completely different. Get a new opinion, a new CT scan to see if there is any further coalition-boney or fibrous, possibly a bone scan to make sure there is no arthritic inflammatory changes going on, and make sure an attempt to realign the foot with orthotics is tried out. Fusion at such an early age should be discouraged and only an absolute last resort.
    Dr. Thomas Jiunta
  4. Andy

    Andy Guest

    I have the same condition.. I'm 25 now, and I hav had constant pain sice I was a little kid. I sprained my ancle recently, breaking the coalition in my left ancle.. they can operated that, but they said I was too old to fix the other ancle.. they will remove the broken coalition and replace it with something from my hip they said..

    does anyone know of a prognosis for returning to sports after such a surgery on this condition? the doc said that the ancle would be alot stiffer and tight after the surgery..

    as for your girl.. I am sorry I really don't know.. I'm looking for help and advice myself.. Hard to find information when you have a condition that concerns less than 1% of the population.
  5. jasonr

    jasonr Guest

    hello i have tarsal coalition i had surgery on both ankles between the ages of 15 and 17.After the surgery pain was and still as bad if not worse than before. Im now 34 and can not work due to the pain in my feet and ankles. i am considering ssi benefits. im going soon to see a doctor with the backround in advice in what i can do. im also considering trying to get an appointment in what i could do from my original surgeon Dr. Mark Myerson. If anyone has any suggestions that would help me i Thankyou.
  6. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    Why would you consider trying to get an appointment with the doctor whose surgery you claim left you with pain "as bad if not worse" than you were prior to his surgery?

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