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Torn Flexor Digitorum Brevis any advise please

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by flying-spanner, Apr 12, 2011.

  1. flying-spanner

    flying-spanner New Member

    Hi All

    Recently working i stood on a stud approximately 4inches long and 3/8th of an inch in diameter. This went pierced the sole of my foot (no shoes on) and was extremely painful with a lot of blood.:eek:

    The would was examined at hospital the would was cleaned and i was told just to rest it. The pain when putting any weight on my foot was extreme.

    I was then referred to an orthopedic consultant who took more xrays which ensured nothing was broken which it was not then he did an ultra sound then an mri scan which showed the following:
    Flexor Digitorum Brevis torn
    Long Plantar Ligament torn
    and inflamation to the Tendon Peroneus Longus (sorry if not spelling not correct)

    At the moment my foot has been placed into a floating cast but i'm not sure what else is going to happen. surgery etc how long this will take to heal etc

    If any one else has been in the same position or is a doctor that could help me i would be so grateful

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