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Not sure? Nerve or tendon damage after deep cut

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by unregistered, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. unregistered

    unregistered Guest

    HI, I am visiting friends in Kuching, Malaysia. ON the 30th July we went for a walk in the jungle, which involved crossing a small river with relatively large rocks. I took my shoes off, silly i know, beacause in a few places we had to walk in the water. On one of these occasions my foot slipped on part of a rock under the water and I cut it on another rock under the water. I thougth I had twisted it as well but when i moved it through its motions it seemed ok, apart from the deep cut I sustained on the side of my foot, just below th top of where the 1st row of Metatarsals start. I applied pressure to stop the bleeding and patched it up. I had no other real sharp pain at this time, just a dull ache. When I got up I found I could walk on my heel easily, so I put my shoe back on. As I was walking back to a spot to wait for the others, I had to use the ball of my foot to get onto another rock, this sent sharp pins and needle pain all across the ball of foot and lasted for about 3 mins, then the pain went back to the dull ache like it was before. By the time I walked back out to the car, I couldn't put any weight on my foot and the pain was now a deep throb and my foot felt like it was on fire. My foot also started to cramp up a bit.

    At the hospital the Xrays showed no fracture and they glued the cut up, gave me antibiotics and painkillers and sent me home. The next day I could put weight back on my heel, but had pain in my foot when I walked and when I was lying still. My foot was swollen, but not like a balloon and I had brusiing around my big toe and on the foot pad under my toe. I struggled to move my toes during this time. After a few days I found I had more swelling if I sat at a desk and tried to put my foot up or left it dangling, as opposed to lying down. I went back 3 days later and had the cut redressed. No sign of infection.

    Since then I have been lying in bed with my foot up, as it started to fall asleep or swell when i was sitting at the desk. I still can't put any weight on the pad of my foot under my first 3 toes due to crazy pins and needle sensations and at times while I am lying down I also get slightly sharp pins and needle sensations in the same area and sonetime running up the arch of my foot towards my ankle. The cut is just about closed and scabbed over, but I am not sure what to do next? I have been unable to find any podiatrists here in Kuching, but they do have Physiotherapists at the hospital I went to. It is a training hospital and apparently have Western (not sure if this matters, just what I was told) Physios working there. Is it worth a visit to them?

    I was planning on leaving Kuching mid Sept and going rock climbing in Thailand and then onto Nepal for some trekking during Oct and Nov. I would appreciate any advice on
    1) what you think might be wrong?
    2) what I should do now?
    3) am i being realistic about climbing and long treks??



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