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Fractured Toes Now Toenail Rwmoval

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Sep 9, 2013.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I fractured my big toe and second from dropping a heavy pan four weeks ago. I had to wait a day to get into the podiatrist and forced myself to stuff my foot into a steel toe shoe so not miss work. Needless to say it was a poor decision and paid for it. I was advised to wear a soft shoe but work has a steel toe requirement and I could not take the off chance my pay would get denied. I had a semi sit down restriction. Fast forward 4 weeks later I noticed my nai on my big toel was bothering me.
    I had been going to get my toes taped between and he noticed took I had a sub hematoma under nail after removing polish and it was starting to leak fluid. I ended up having the nail removed right then. I can't get an enclosed shoe on let alone a steel toe. My toe hits steel toe every time I walk a step and pain is unbearable. My work can not accomdate me with the steel toe shoe. I was put off work for two weeks and given a antibiotic. I think this sounds reasonable but was wondering what normal protocol is for healing time. I do have a few minor healrh isssues such pernicious anemia and low iron.

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