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Aching Pain when standing; Podiatrist says it is how I stand/walk

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by LLedge, Apr 20, 2014.

  1. LLedge

    LLedge New Member

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    I have been suffering from chronic foot pain for the last 9 months, and had no idea why or what to do about it. I tried many different store bought orthopedics, but nothing helped. I was finally able to get health care and see a podiatrist recently.

    He is 95% sure that the pain I am suffering from is a result of me over-pronating when I stand/walk. He has suggested special orthopedics for me, and I am waiting to see if I can get those. I believe that is what he called it. Specifically, my problem is that I stand and walk with my feet pointed too far out. However, he really didn't tell me how I can fix the problem and stop the pain. I have walked and stood the same say for 18 years, so it isn't something I can just change.

    What can I do about this pain? How do I fix this problem?
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2014
  2. LLedge

    LLedge New Member


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