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Gastrocnemius recession surgery

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Jackson12, Apr 22, 2014.

  1. Jackson12

    Jackson12 New Member

    Hello all,

    This is my first post so be nice.

    I have achilles tendonosis because my calve muscles are too tight. The surgery is gastrocnemius recession surgery, which is done on the UK NHS. The waiting time is around 1 year.

    Given that it's painful for me to drive, cycle, any moving uphill; getting surgery is quite important now.

    I can go to a EU hospital to get this surgery done instead of the NHS. I'm not sure of where to start, as it can be (as far as I know) any EU country that is publicly funded and does orthopaedic surgery.

    Can someone who's in a similar boat as me point out a good EU hospital to have this surgery done? I'd really appreciate this

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