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Permanent Toenail Removal - Silver Sulfadiazine Problems

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by LauraE, Jun 27, 2014.

  1. LauraE

    LauraE Guest

    Firstly, I had my big left toenail permanently removed because my nail was damaged, either from fungus or something else. It would start to curl in to my toe, so the podiatrist had it removed and the nail bed chemically burned.

    Now, I have had this done twice before, though not permanently. And I have never had such a slow and painful recovery, and I believe it's because of the Silver Sulfadiazine cream that was prescribed to me. Here's why.

    I know the cream works well for burns, but for my deep wound, it just became caked inside and could not be removed with soap and water. It was like that in my wound for two weeks until I could see the doctor and he scrubbed the cream out, and scolded me for not taking better care of my toe even though I followed instructions exactly, and that cream had been caked in day one from when he applied it right after surgery.

    Two and a half weeks after surgery, I am still feeling pain, swelling, redness, and a lot of oozing. The cream is also beginning to cake in the wound again, even though I wash it twice a day, and I am thinking I should just use some type of antibiotic ointment.

    When I called the doctor's office to ask how to get the cream out of the wound, the person on the phone told me to flush out my wound with hydrogen peroxide? Really?

    So my question is, is this cream appropriate for my type of wound? I've seen studies and journal articles stating that silver sulfadiazine may not be as effective as first thought, and may actually prolong healing. This seems to be consistent with what I am going through, and while it seems to work miracles for those with burns, it's been nothing but painful and miserable for me.

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