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help please!!!!!

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    diagnosed one yr ago with plantar fasciitis and stress fracture in my heel. wore Cam boot for 8 weeks, post cam physical therapy 4 weeks. pain still persisted so shock therapy and steroid injection followed by cam boot for 4 weeks then physical therapy again. after 9 months no relief had surgery for a diagnosis of Chronic plantar fasciitis with distal tarsal tunnel syndrome. post surgery cast for 6 weeks, cam boot for 4 weeks during which I had physical therapy, as soon as I was permitted to wear a normal shoe I was diagnosed with a metatarsal stress fracture. cam boot 4 weeks, im 3 weeks into this...when I try and walk without the cam boot and even with the cam boot it feels as if my arch is ripped, extreme pain and burning.....cant figure out why its no healing?????

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