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Accesory navicular surgery complications?

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    Hi I had accesory navicular surgery In nov. I'm thirteen (12 at the time). Anyway I'm still in a lot of pain. The pain is burning shooting and prickling, I never don't have pain. I'm still in pt but nothing's helping. I had a possible skin infection a week after surgery and had to take off the hard cast and get a boot (no pressure) for a week and then I wen back in the cast. I was in a cast and on crutches for 7 weeks and then in a boot for 7 more. Im having so much pain and it's hard to walk! It's worse than before the surgery! Do you think there's something wrong with it? Is this common? Thanks!
  2. ISharon

    ISharon Guest

    Your problems sound like mine. I had the surgery in mid-September and now on February 5th it hurts almost more than it did before the surgery. I have had swelling in the incision area the entire time and and throbbing pain quite often. It still hurts to walk and I feel like I have a brick on the bottom of my foot. I took steroids, had several physical therapy appointments and sat a lot. eis giving my electric shock wave therapy. I'm supposed to have a knee replace on March 15th on the opposite leg. I'm much, much older than you.

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