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Bruise that won't go away

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by bruisebegone, Dec 12, 2014.

  1. bruisebegone

    bruisebegone New Member

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    In July (5 months ago) I jumped about 3 feet onto bare feet. I pretty good bruise appeared on the ball of my right foot.

    Long story short: 2 MRI, lots of xrays, orthopedic and DPM have ruled out ligament and bone damage - also say there is no evidence of plantar plate damage, but I know that can be hard to see on MRI. The consensus seems to be that it is a bad bruise.

    I am using a combination of Hoka shoes with orthotics, surgical boots, and knee skooter to try to get around as much as possibly without aggravating the bruise.

    Walking on it definatly causes the swelling to increase and makes it much more tender.

    Has anyone seen anything like this before?

    Any guesses on what it could be?

    See attached image showing pain location and snap from latest mri showing mtp number 3.

    This has been really messing up my life - any ideas and help would be welcome!

    Attached Files:

  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Hi, sorry I don't have any answers for you but you're not alone. I bruised the same place on my right foot running barefoot over rounded rocks on the beach. No marks, just a little swelling.
    It hadn't gone after a week and I was walking down to the beach barefoot favouring my left (good) foot when I kicked a stone with the ball of that foot and got an almost identical bruise on that one!!

    Like yours that was in July, I didn't have any scans or xrays as I was pretty sure they were just bruised. One doctor put me on strong anti-inflammatories and then the next doctor I saw took me off them. ????

    Doc said that 6 months + wasn't unusual for sole of foot bruises.

    I can't stay off my feet as I need them to drive and walk at work etc but have found my walking boots provide the most protection against pressure on the bruise.

    It's now February and I'd like to say they're getting better but I'm not sure if I'm just kidding myself.

    I'm using heatpads 2 or 3 times a day to stimulate the repair and Arnica tablets as they reputedly stimulate production of white blood cells.
    But sometimes they hurt after using the heatpads (???)

    Please post back here if you get any joy with anything or just to let me know you've healed to give me some hope!

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