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Bad Toenails. Best Cure?

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Sole Searcher, Feb 7, 2015.

  1. Sole Searcher

    Sole Searcher New Member

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    I've had bad toenails pretty much all my life. Slightly misshapen, discolored, brittle, etc. Not all of the nails are affected. It's only the big toenails, one middle, and one pinky.

    I've tried just about everything. Penlac, apple cider vinegar, peroxide, nail products from Walgreens, etc. I put Vick's Vaporub on them every morning before I put socks on just to help maintain a better look.

    I'm to the point where I think maybe laser treatment is the only option. Any ideas on how to cure this curse?


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    Last edited: Feb 7, 2015
  2. Sole Searcher

    Sole Searcher New Member

    I think I'm going to try a salicylic acid solution product. I'm reading that it's offered some results. Not sure what percentage to go with though. I'm finding stuff anywhere from .05pct up to like 11.8pct and all in between. There's one that is a mix of salicylic acid and alcohol that supposedly has high antifungal properties. Thinking of trying this.
  3. Kbot

    Kbot New Member

    Sorry I don't have any advice for you, but have any of these worked at all? I have misshapen toenails as well and have no idea what I can do to improve their condition.
  4. Sole Searcher

    Sole Searcher New Member

    Well now I'm trying tea tree oil. I apply on, around, and under each affected nail 3-4 times a day. I'm being really persistent and only time will tell if this kills it off. I'm wondering if they'll get worse before they get better.

    It's extremely frustrating. I've tried many things and nothing has really worked. I'm also eating garlic to maybe help internally. I was told to try that as well.

    If after several months of using the tea tree oil and I don't see any results, I'll be seriously considering an oral medication even though they're supposed to be really bad on your liver.

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