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Please share thoughts on fifth toe lister corn treatment options

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by maxwin6ft, Mar 11, 2015.

  1. maxwin6ft

    maxwin6ft New Member

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    I've noticed throughout my entire life that both my pinky toes have lister corns ("second nail growth") on the outer edges of the nail bed. As I began wearing dress shoes and being more physically active, I've noticed that the growth has been more pronounced even after debriding. In fact, I even feel more discomfort when walking or placing pressure on my toes. Could someone please look at my pictures and provide suggestions as to a potential course of action, i.e. surgery-condylectomy/just live with it/use padding? Also, the condition on my right pinky toe has gotten to the point where a noticeable split has formed, aside to the corn..possibly from too much pressure during exercise?

    Sorry for the laundry list, but questions that I have:
    1) Will a condylectomy fix the split on my toe?
    2) How much does a condylectomy procedure typically cost for one toe?
    3) Will removing the entire toe nail to allow for a new nail to grow fix the problem?
    4) Will a condylectomy lead to any permanent losses in motor functions of the foot?

    I haven't had time to speak with a podiatrist yet, but I figured I should learn about other people's experience first. Please help, also please see my pictures of my right pinky toe.

    I know there are bigger problems in the world, but lister corns suck =(. Many thanks.

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  2. maxwin6ft

    maxwin6ft New Member

    Edit* I'm in my late 20's and located in the USA. Any thoughts?
  3. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Same thing for me. What did u do?
  4. maxwin6ft

    maxwin6ft New Member

    I am hoping I would get more replies on this forum and I haven't spoken to a foot doctor yet. In the mean time, I just normally clip my nail and use a filer to smooth down the corn.

    I added another picture hoping someone with more expertise could chime in? Thank you.

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