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Burning pain for past 6 years

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by nerah, Aug 9, 2009.

  1. nerah

    nerah New Member

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    26 Years old man with burning type pain for the past 5-6 years that has left 1 podiatrist and 2 orthopedist baffled.

    Pain is hard to describe but its a very intense burning sensation on the front bottom of both foot when weight is applied, I also had pain in the arch but that was treated with custom orthotics. The pain gets unbearable after 30 to 40 minutes of standing up or walking and have to begin resting by sitting down and removing the weight from the foot.

    I was very obese 2 years ago and doctors mostly said it was the reason for the pain, I have since lost alot of the weight (350 to 250) and have seen NO decrease in pain at all.

    First saw a Podiatrist, He mentioned i had high archs and short achilles tendon, suggested custom orthothics, returned a few weeks later because the pain in the forefoot had not diminished. He did some more test and pressed on the top of the foot in between the metatarsal which was painful.

    He mentions a possibility of Morton's Neuroma but cant do anything about it until he gets a diagnostic from a MRI (shots or even surgery)

    To request an MRI where I live in Canada, I need to go through a orthopedic, I have seen two and they both shot down the possibly of Morton's Neuroma claiming I did not feel enough pain when they "squeezed" the sides of the foot and that the only thing that could help me were custom orthotics, that I already have.

    Learned about Tarsal Tunnel syndrome last week and seriously doubt I have that as i dont have pain during rest, in the night, tingling, numbness or heel pain, only when weight is applied.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    I have no association with this site or forum other than as a frequent responder, and it certainly is possible that you might receive another sort of response to your question from another poster. But in my professional view, forums such as this are rarely appropriate for the offering of diagnoses and any subsequent treatment recommendations based upon such diagnoses. In the vast majority of cases, the diagnostic process involves far more than simply the recitation of symptoms, and especially where there is no practical real-time ability to continue the questioning process with the patient, questions requiring the formulation of a diagnosis cannot responsibly be answered. In addition, a hands-on physical examination is most always a requirement for the formulation of a diagnosis or even “ideas” as are so often requested here. Forums such as this are appropriate for general information only, such as a discussion of the normal functioning of the foot, the pathology of disease and conditions and a general discussion of the treatments available for a known diagnosis. They are not intended as a replacement for traditional hands-on medical advice and evaluation, but only as an adjunct to the understanding of already obtained medical services and advice. At any rate, no information should be taken as necessarily applicable to any individual person or situation, and doing so might, in fact, present peril. Should you have a question which conforms to the general criteria which I have presented, I will be please to attempt an answer.

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