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modified kidner

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Aug 22, 2009.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    I had a modified kidner with removal of the accessory navicular, repair of several tears and one shredded area of the posterior tibial tendon and re-attachement to navicular with an anchor last Friday. The doctor feels that the surgery and tendon repair went very well. I am still in a cast, non bearing. I am amazed at how little discomfort I am feeling now. I only needed rx pain meds for the first two days and then before bed for a night or two. The main discomfort now is the annoyance of being in the cast and having to use crutches and occasional twinges. In two weeks, the cast will be removed and then I will be in a boot and will start pt. The doctor said that PT will be needed to get the posterior tibial tendon working correctly.

    I will be returning to my 50 hour work week about about the time I graduate from the cast to the boot. How much of an impact on my ability to ambulate (with a boot) should I expect once the cast is removed?
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    In all honesty, you've indicated that you are quite pleased with the care you have so far received from your own doctor. Why in the world would you be asking this of someone both unknow to you and not familiar with the precise procedure performed or any of its nuances, and certainly not aware of your needs or tolerances? Do yourself a favor and call the doctor who knows you and with whom you are obviously pleased.

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