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ball of the foot pain

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by SusieQ, Aug 25, 2009.

  1. SusieQ

    SusieQ New Member

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    I have continuous pain across the balls of both feet. I am in my 60's weigh 123 and have beach walked daily for years without pain except for a short bout of plantar's faciatius. This summer I began noticing the pain. I do wear "slides", and flipflops ( NOT FOR WALKING) and thought this was the problem, but switching to GOOD New Balance walking shoes has not helped. Even with no shoes the pain persist. Any Ideas.
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    Among the many problems which might cause pain in the ball of the feet are callouses, a Morton's neuroma, bursitis, biomechanical misappropriation of weight, peripheral neuropathy and shearing force injuries. Which if any of those it might be, I haven't a clue and you have offered no specific information which might make it discernible.
  3. oliviapitson

    oliviapitson New Member

    Yeah.Peripheral neuropathy is a disorder of nerves which separately from the brain and spinal cord. Even as diabetes and post herpetic neuralgia are the most common causes of peripheral neuropathy, frequently times no cause is found.

    peripheral neuropathy
  4. ohmyachinfeet

    ohmyachinfeet New Member

    does it feel like youre walking on a marble? Mine did and it was synovitis.

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