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Suffering from Foot Pain

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by michelleg, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. michelleg

    michelleg New Member

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    My symptoms are:
    large red painful welts on the bottom of my feet it occurs more in the arches where the skin is softer. I also get them smaller on the outer edges.
    They can last for up to a week.
    My feet are very hot and feel very stiff in the morning.

    If i soak them in cool water for approx 20 mins at a time a few times a day they can be gone in 3 days. I put a peppermint foot cream on to cool them which does give temporary relief.

    They seem to occur when it is very hot. I was walking in hot sand on the weekend, now the bottoms of my feet are covered in them. This did not happen right away. It does tend to be more of a summer thing. If i am in the car and it is hot and we drive a great distance eg 5 hour trips they can be like this the next day. I keep the aircon on cold to avoid this.
    Rubber jandals are not a good idea on a very hot day as they seem to heat up to much and they next day the problem can occur.

    I did go to the doctor once but they were of no help.
    Any help on this would be great.
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    Although I am unable to offer you a diagnosis or a treatment for your complaint, I see absolutely no medical basis for the above offered recommendation. Your problem is one which clearly needs a hands-on evaluation. One of the problems in responding to such problems in a forum venue is that the precise words of the questioner are all that the responder has to go on. In this particular instance, the term "welts" probably does not present the best medical picture of whatever lesion you are describing. A welt is generally a elevation of the skin caused by a blow, such as from a whip. Perhaps a good photo would be more beneficial than such a word picture, but the other facts of your case do not lend themselves to snap diagnoses, and clearly require an in-depth investigation and analysis by a skilled diagnostician.
  3. michelleg

    michelleg New Member

    Thanks for you help.

    the "welts" i describe do look like an elevation of the skin. (another example: if you were to shoot your skin with one of those plastic bb guns and a welt occurred it looks pretty much the same.) They can be up to an inch long on my arch. When I first had the problem I thought that it was pinching from my shoe, but I have found even wearing sandals, jandals or covered in shoes they can randomly occur. I put them in very luke warm water because with the water to warm they feel like they are burning. I would put a picture if I had a camera.

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