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Navicular Fracture complications

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by CrazyBare, Sep 27, 2009.

  1. CrazyBare

    CrazyBare New Member

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    I broke my left navicular bone on Feb 1-09. I was but into a fiberglass cast for 6 weeks. I was then put into an air boot (plastic boot with velcro straps) for another 4 weeks. I had 10 weeks of NON weight bearing.
    I started physio and everything was going well, till I stumbled on a carpet and re-broke the Navicular. Another 6 weeks in fiberglass and 2 weeks in a walking air boot, 4 more weeks of physio. I was told the fracture has healed, and I can do all the exercises required. However, I can not put my full weight on the ball of my foot. I can not even lift my heal off the ground. I now have a permanent limp. Is this normal or is there some complication that I'm not aware of?

  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    Forces severe enough to fracture bone rarely if ever fail to also inflict collateral damage upon other tissues. Wouldn't it be far more sensible of you and meaningful for you to have your question answered by the doctor who is intimately privy to your case, its treatment and your recovery status?
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2009
  3. CrazyBare

    CrazyBare New Member

    I am no longer being seen by the Fracture Clinic Doctor. I'm now waiting to see someone new, who will diagnose my new disability. This may take a few months. Until them, I'm off work, dealing with the pain of not being able to walk, and wondering what the reason is.
  4. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    Well, clearly from what you've just posted, you understand that you need a diagnosis to determine what is wrong and what can be done for it, and I see no logic in your apparent thinking that your wonderment will be satiated by someone merely making a guess which cannot possibly be based on the evaluation needed for a real opinion. In other words, your stated goals cannot possibly be met by the manner in which you are attempting.

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