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Ingrown Toe Nail - post surgery care

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by kvenka, Nov 18, 2009.

  1. kvenka

    kvenka New Member

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    Hi there!

    I had a partial nail removal on my right toe, last friday. My podiatrist prescribed these medicines : antibiotic - Phexin 750 mg & painkiller -Crocin to be continued for 6 days after the surgery. Before surgery, as a pre-caution, I did also inform my podiatrist that I am a feeding mother to 4.5 months old baby so that he prescribes appropriate medicines. He then performed the first dressing for that toe on Monday (i.e., washed the nail with saline & applied neospirin ointment before covering it tightly with a cotton gauze & surgical tape). To avoid having me to travel long way for the dressing considering the heavy rains & my baby, my podiatrist suggested to get regular dressings done at any of the nearby hospitals from home .) But before I could go on my next dressing (third time), I wish to clear a few of my doubts with experts in this area of interest for better opinions on my post surgery care.

    (1) Is it really safe & easy to get a dressing now at home by myself.
    (2) If yes, then for how many days should I continue to dress the toe. (I am now left with very less pain which slightly pricks at times when i walk.)
    (3) Should I necessarily continue my antibiotics till the time I go for / get the dressing done for that toe. I have already stopped on both antibiotics and painkiller from the 6th day after surgery, as suggested by my podiatrist.
    (4) Tips for faster healing of the toe.

    Many Thanks & Best Regards,
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    Trust me . . You are not alone in asking questions here such as this so soon after surgery. Decisions regarding post-operative care are made based on an evaluation of the patient's progress or lack thereof. So you're going to have to explain to me why it is that you would choose to trust someone who knows nothing about you or exactly what you had performed or what your present status of healing is to answer questions about your specific case rather than asking these questions of the doctor who performed the surgery on you, OR, as I take it from the names of your medications, you do not reside in the U.S., are those who call themselves doctors wherever you live so unavailable to patients and dismissive of their needs that this is the way things are done? Don't you think that you deserve those answers from the doctor who has taken responsibility for you?
  3. kvenka

    kvenka New Member

    Firstly, thanks for you time Doctor...It was difficult at the beginning for me to identify that what i had developed was ingrown toe nail as I have not heard of it before, neither had past history cases of it. The infection developed a month after i came down to stay out of the city where I live in. Thats when I travelled to a well known hospital in the city but to my surprise they would not pay heed to my basic questions or the podiatrist had a thought i asked them too many questions or was silly...(saddest condition though) But, I put forth all my queries i.e., above questions to the podiatrist after the first dressing was over : his reply somehow seemed like this : Good, you seem to have developed no infection. The pain will subside at one fine stage. Try to avoid taking tablets slowly once you feel that the pain had subsided. As, i expect no complications, going forward you may get the dressings done at any nearby hospital. My assumptions were that : the podiatrist meant that i need not necessarily have to be consulted by another podiatrist, but could even be consulted by a GP or a nurse either for dressing reasons. I also assumed that he must have also implicitly meant that i learn the number of dressings after an evaluation was made and given to me at the local hospital where i would do my dressing. So, today, as suggested by the podiatrist, i got the second dressing done today nearby hospital in the same city, where a general physician indicated that the wound got healed. It appeared much dry to me than before. This time, for the dressing, they cleansed with betadine solution and applied Andradine ointment to cover the nail with the bandage. That was it! They also advised me to take proper home care by just washing with antiseptic and keeping the nail dry.

    Am also left with less pain now.

    Nevertheless, I need to thank the admin also for sharing a lot of details about ingrown toe nail in the form of video clip. By the time i developed mild infection I kept surfing more educational websites to understnad what this case coud be and understood that ingrown toe nail has different complications, and mine was similar to the one posted in the video clip by our Admin (even the same toe).

    Thanks all again for your precious time!
  4. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Dude what are you their dad...maybe they just wanted a second opinion or home remedy. Quit being such a downer and only put your two cents in if its constructive toward reaching a valid and reasonable answer for the inquirer. And this is directed at you "FootDoc".
  5. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Hey dude, get a grip. You're on an open forum. You don't tell someone who's two cents is welcomed. Personally I don't think YOUR two-cents is worth even that much. And REALLY, don't you have something better to do than complain about a 2 year old post. Get a life.
  6. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Noob here wide awake in pain at 5am from yesterdays procedure and looking for more info. My doc didnt give me anything but a single-sided handout and didnt tell me what to expect post-op. He may or may not have time tomorrow to answer all my questions on the phone and he may or may not give me decent answers, hence my turning to an internet forum. But from what I've just encountered on this forum, there's no way Im going to post my questions lest FootDoc see it as another chance to get on his high horse and lecture me about how I shouldn't be asking for second opinions or other people's experiences, and instead refer to my physician-God. FootDoc doesn't seem to realize that a. Not all doctors are created equal, b. people often don't get to choose their doctor, c. If its a first time procedure with a new doc people are just finding out that he/she didn't give them clear/sufficient advice or isn't a good doctor, d. People want a second opinion, e. people want clarification they've already tried and failed to get from their doctor, f. People are asking important questions outside their doctors office hours and want an answer in the interim, g. people would prefer not to spend money on follow-ups if they can find a sufficient answer on a forum, especially if they dont have insurance or a good plan (methinks Docs money-grubbing motive i do find) and h. It's possible to say "this is something only your doctor can answer" without being such a pompous condescending jerk about it. Lastly, he's not fooling anyone with his unregistered follow-up attacks on the people who let him know his response was unnecessarily pedantic and caustic. How do I know it's him? Well considering how defensive he is and anxious to put people on their place, and I can't imagine a fellow foot patient that comes here for answers after a procedure appreciating his "don't come here for answers you idiot" feedback, and I can't imagine any doctor wasting their time to jump in to defend him... Yeah it's pretty obvious.

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