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Foot Hurts / Not Getting Better / Help

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by bfStrider, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. bfStrider

    bfStrider New Member

    I am a cross-country and track runner, even in the off-season (which is right now) I average usually 25 miles per week.

    Eight days ago I came back from my run and my foot hurt. I limped a little during the last mile. The run was longer than I am used to, but I am not sure what I did to my foot. I stayed off of it for the rest of the day.

    Today it still hurts, about the same as it did a week ago. I can walk on it, painfully. What baffles me is that it doesn't hurt at all without weight on it - I can bend it normally, and pressure it with my hand, with no pain. But when I'm walking around, it hurts like hell. Can't come close to running.

    Its the inside of the forward part of my foot that hurts - right beneath the toes when it bends, kind of between and under the forward pad parts of my foot. I have never broken a bone before, but it feels kind of how I would imagine a broken bone to feel - like something is not connected right and the weight distribution is therefore wrong.

    One of my friends thinks I cracked a bone. I would go to the doctor, but that would be very expensive, because I am currently without a job, and I know they would recommend x-rays.

    Wrapping my foot tightly / limiting mobility of joints keeps the pain down some. I have done this a few times.

    Another thing you should know is that I like running barefoot or with vibram five fingers. I was in vibrams for this run - I have used them for several months and they work great normally, I have nothing against the shoes. But the type of shoes may have influenced the injury.

    Any advice / help / anything would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2009

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