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multple pains

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by ztar57, Dec 30, 2009.

  1. ztar57

    ztar57 Guest

    I have what I think are plantar warts. One on each foot. Both the size of a walnut shell. Had them for years. Painful little *^%$. I also believe I have diabetes because of the standard symptoms to include sharp shooting pains like needles anywhere on my feet at anytime. Now a new issue. All my toes are numb. The bottom of my feet feel like there is no flesh. Walking now is almost impossible. Lying down is not good. Ankles hurt and sometimes are weak. Collapsed once 3 weeks ago in a parking lot. Whole feet are very senstive to touch. Read about gout. Maybe, cause beer and red meat seems to put my feet really asleep. Sometimes feet feel very hot and sleepy. Pain right under big toes. Cannot walk without shoes. Direct contact with floor is impossible. My mind is constantly attacking my feet with wild and uncontrollable suggestions of amputation via shotgun. Even if I had insurance, the situation I am facing could not tolerate any needles.
    The last problem mentioned started after I binged on jello and a lot of watermelon. I love salt on watermelon. I ate no less than 40 of those cheap rascals last summer. The pain and sleepiness and tingling and pain under my big toe started at the end of August. It is now the end of December. Not one day of relief. It has brought me to tears and it has caused me to scream out in agony. Is there anyone who might know what my new problem could be?

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