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Enigmatic foot issue. Skin discoloration(?)

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Cherry Chainsaw, Jan 27, 2009.

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    Okay. So, as the title suggests, this is very hard to explain.. Especially considering I have no idea what the specific part of the foot is called. I spent the last 2 or 3 hours on google trying to find it amongst dozens of foot anatomy diagrams, and none of them seem to care (no mention of it). So I have a picture, which I shopped myself to demonstrate...

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    You see... Aside from the fact that the woman whose foot is portrayed there is white and my being mixed, the comparison pointed out in the picture is the primary difference between the way MY foot looks and the way most should. Now, I've had this problem for longer than I can even remember. I never remember NOT having it, but that's mostly due to the fact that I never paid much attention to my feet, or others, at all until just recently; When I started considering wearing sandals, and realized through looking at the modeled pictures for the shoes, as well as many other pictures from various and vast sources.. That what I have here is NOT normal. No one else seems to have it.
    It leads me to believe that it's too late to fix. And I'm to remain self-conscious about it for the rest of my life, ergo forfeiting the choice to wear sandals EVER. And I feel really sh**ty about the whole thing, seeing as it's probably my fault for not noticing these things sooner. I figured it had something to do with my beige skin tone, but I was wrong. It might be something really simple and I'm freaking out for no reason, but it doesn't seem that way. I've tried everything. Foot lotions, foot repair creams, pedeggs, emery boards, pumice rock, you name it. So really, any advice or relation on this would be amazing.
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    Although I commend your efforts in attempting to graphically demonstrate your complaint, perhaps, as you are apparently fluid in Photoshop, you might take a digital photo, and use the tools in Photoshop, such as curves, levels, contrast and unsharp mask if necessary, especially to enhance the area of deformity, and then re-post. I would venture to say though. that without a hands-on examination, likely, no one can come up with as answer upon which you might rely, especially as what you are really interested is effective treatment.

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