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Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Jan 11, 2010.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    After bunion surgery is it possible to return to the types of shoes and exercises previously enjoyed? The most important being running? Will the podiatrist give an honest opinion? It is obvious that this question cannot be answered prior to surgery but an informed podiatrist should be able to tell the patient if it would be possible if patient responds well vs the foot condition is no longer correctable to allow this activity.

    I have not talked to a single person who returned to running after bunion surgery.
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    There is every reason to believe that after a well-performed bunion surgery and appropriate rehab that the patient would no longer have a bunion deformity and would have general foot function at least as good as prior to surgery. That would certainly be the goal of any doctor performing such surgery. iI the doctor deemed the condition to be no longer correctable prior to surgery one would hope that he/she would not perform the procedure. As far as your or any individual doctor being honest, I know of no one who can give you an absolute answer. But if you don't trust your doctor's honesty, then find another doctor. In my opinion, bunion surgery should be performed to correct bunions and not to make one run better.

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