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Stepped on a rock while running

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Silk64, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. Silk64

    Silk64 New Member

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    While I was running I violently stepped on a rock about the size of a baseball. It was my right foot almost directly in the sole, closer to the heel and right side of my foot. I shook it off quickly, but as soon as I got home I was in real pain just walking. There is no swelling and I iced it, but I am in a lot of pain even when I try walking. I'm fine as long as I am not putting any pressure on it. Should I go to the doctor or will I be fine soon? I am afraid something may be broken, but I know I probably couldn't walk it that were true. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    Surely you do not want to rely on an answer to this even from a doctor who has no actual knowledge of your situation. The help you request would be to advise you to go to a doctor for an examination and a REAL opinion. Forums such as this are not intended, nor are they substitutes for medical advice regarding individual cases, especially those involving trauma, most all of which require hands-on evaluations.

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