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smelly feet

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Feb 23, 2009.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    My 24 year old son has incredibly smelly feet for no apparent reason. He washes regularly. He dries his feet. He does not sweat profusely. He does'nt have a rash or anything on his feet. They just smell. Our whole house smells since he moved home (temporarily) 1 week ago. Help! What causes this? How can it be treated?
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    No doubt you've perused the other threads on this site which ask similar questions about smelly feet. Those threads which have actively persisted for the last more than 7 months are replete with post of almost cult-like enthusiasm by folks who, though they seem to feed on each others comments, have come up with absolutely nothing substantive in regard to either the cause or the treatment of what they insist is occurring other than for excessive sweating. I have dealt with feet and foot problems for decades, and I've yet to encounter a single patient who had smelly feet which was not the result of an infection or poor hygiene or urine from urinary incontinence whose smelly feet were not alternatively due to the bacterial action on excessive sweating and which treatment was not appropriately directed toward mitigating the sweating. I would defy anyone to find a podiatrist who has honestly experienced otherwise. I suppose that the best news for you is that his homecoming only temporary. But in the meantime, why not join the cult, as at least you'll have some company regarding the issue.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2009
  3. lorie.d

    lorie.d New Member

    Try putting newspapers in his shoes at night. This helps the smell in his shoes. Does he consume alot of dairy products? If so have him eliminate the dairy and see if it helps.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 6, 2009
  4. bimbo

    bimbo New Member

    there are somhow sprays that reduce the bacterias like polygiene or wear silver socks or special hypheridrosis socks fitted out with anti-bacteria

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