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Extremely high arched foot

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Jul 5, 2008.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    Our family has a progressive, neurodegenerative disorder (most likely a type of SpinoCerebellar Ataxia -- genetic testing is currently underway). Unfortunately, my mother's high foot arches have progressed to the point where her foot is actually what I refer to as 'convex,' in the sense that her toes nearly touch her heel (yuck!). She also has some kind of ankle problem -- it's like her leg and foot aren't together as one unit anymore (her leg goes straight down, whereas her foot has shifted to the right). She has a huge swelling on her ankle bone, though I can't tell if it's the actual bone itself or some kind of growth/inflammation? She has been in a wheelchair for over 14 years, and she is having more and more difficulty with transferring to the toilet (mostly keeping her balance and being able to straighten out her foot in order to do so successfully). Anyway, according to the orthopaedic specialist to which she was referred, "there is nothing that can be done." Is this valid? Are there any preventative exercises, such as massaging, that may help my brother and me from developing this severity?

    I would greatly appreciate any comments and/or suggestions.

  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    Come on now . . . Be reasonable! You can't really have the slightest expectation that someone who has never examined a patient whom you state has a long history of severe deformity and disability secondary to an unnamed and progressive neurologic/neuromuscular disorder, perhaps of CNS origin, could possibly offer commentary or opinion which might compete with or supersede that of the attending orthopedist. This sort of blind search can achieve for you and the patient only false and perhaps cruel expectations on both ends of the spectrum of hope vs. dejection. Instead, put your efforts into seeking real and well-founded advice from a neurologist or neurosurgeon through a hands-on examination, along with perhaps another opinion from a qualified orthopedic specialist.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2008
  3. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Thank you for the confirmation of my thoughts...
  4. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

    You may find some useful snippets of information here on Pes Cavus (high arched foot).

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